Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hi/Lo Thursday

This post is part of "Hi/Lo Thursday" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check our their blog to read everyone else's "Hi/Lo" posts.

I thought this was a great idea so thanks Riggs Family! Please put Abby on your prayer list and join me in being a prayer warrior for this wonderful little girl.


3 Things-

1.Artie came home today for a few days before having to leave again. It is not much but I will take any days I can get! He will be gone the rest of the month for say a prayer that he is safe traveling.

2. This week it snowed and covered the ground beautifully. It is so clean and pure. I love the way it silences all noise. I believe God acts in this quietness. I believe God works wonderful miracles of healing or deliverance, but not always. If we only look for God in those things, we may miss Him in the quiet, ordinary, unseen, gentle sounds in our life. I love the snow for this. It reminds me that God is at work even in the unseen ways of world.

3. I will be re-opening The Christmas Shop tomorrow! I am very excited about seeing my customers again. It has been a long month of preparing and I am ready to open the doors!!!


I started this week. I was actually a week late and really had my hopes up. Artie and I have been trying to conceive for over a year. I really thought this was the month.

During the beautiful snow this week I was stuck in the house and realized that I had dust bunnies the size of small children.

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