Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Laughter Lives Tuesday!

Laughter LivesThis post is part of "Laughter Lives! Tuesday" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check our their blog to read everyone else's "Laughter Lives!" posts.

Please continue to be a prayer warrior for this little girl and her wonderful family!
This week will be very hard for them as Abby has started another round of chemo.

Hehe...this is kinda funny.

I was trying to put the dogs in their kennels before church last Wednesday and things got a little crazy. They were being buttheads and running around so I was a bit frazzled. I grabbed piece of sliced cheese to help entice them downstairs. The dogs run downstairs ahead of me and so I follow. (note: I was wearing high heels) One of my heels catches in the carpet and I start falling down the stairs. My body's immediate reaction is to throw my hand against the wall...so I did. Not realizing until I came to a stop that it was the hand with the cheese. Ooopps....as you can guess, I most definitely have a huge spot a cheese squished on my wall. Here is a picture for your enjoyment!

Also...here is a clip of the Ellen show. It is so funny! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Thank God you didn't go down! I did that once, minus the cheese.