Tuesday, December 27, 2011

First Hair Cut

I have not been through the Christmas pictures yet so the first hair cut is going up first!  I promise I will come back and fill you in on all the holiday fun!

Grayson had his first hair cut today!  It is a day I have been putting off and rescheduling for months.  I just wasn't ready to let go of all that baby hair.  Plus- how the heck would she cut it?  Would I like it?  Would he sit still?  It just made my stomach hurt thinking about it so I didn't!  Until everyone started calling him a girl...I could have put the child in all blue with a shirt that said "I'm a boy" and people would still call him a girl.  So my dear husband suggested that it was time!  With a knot in my stomach we took him this morning to the lady that cuts Artie's hair.  We packed a couple of lollipops and prayed for the best.

He did such a good job!  He liked that he could see himself in the mirror.  We did give him a lollipop which I was a little scare about but he did a good job with it.  Artie was sitting with him just in case he did pull the top off.  He was a sticky MESS when we left but he was able to get his hair cut!!!

The before picture

That lollipop was our saving grace!  

Keeping a close eye on Miss Rachael...

There were mirrors all around and he kept looking at himself haha!  

He needed to tell her something! 

All Done!!  (looking at himself haha!)

Sweet boy!

Just  a shorter version of the old style!  I was so very proud of him!!!

1 comment:

Faith said...

Oh my gosh, I could eat him up!!!