You are 14 months old!! This month you have been a busy boy! Everyday you show us something new you have climbing on the dishwasher...
or feeding your self with a spoon.
You do not sit still. Ever.
(ps- Don't you think he looks kinda like Tyler, Rebecca?)
You LOVE LOVE LOVE taking a bath in the kitchen sink!
You adore you Ada (Daddy)!
You love to play outside and will cry when we bring you in.
(I took these today on his birthday)
This picture is out of focus but the look on his face I LOVE! He is rolling down the hill!
You love to play with a ball and have learned to throw it to the dogs!
Your nap schedule is wonderful!! You will lay down around 11am and then again around 3pm-both naps last an hour and half. I keep trying to push them together for one loooong nap but you will not have it. MELT.DOWN.CITY!!! My most favorite time of day is right when you wake up from your nap. We snuggle in your rocking chair and those are the most precious moments of my day!!
You go to bed at 7pm every night.
You are still working on those 4 top teeth coming all the way in. You short little teeth melt my heart.
Grayson Kelly you are the light in my life! I love you so very much! It is such a joy being your Momma!!